Washtenaw County is ranked 81 of 83 Michigan counties in amount of income inequality
households in Washtenaw County are below the ALICE (Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed) earnings threshold
While families of all races and ethnicities are affected by poverty, some groups still face economic and legal barriers that limit their earnings and make them more likely to live below the ALICE threshold.
Learn more about the Racial Wealth Gap: "Explained: Racial Wealth Gap" Full Episode (16 mins)

Food Insecurity In Washtenaw County

In 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic, 39, 080 people in Washtenaw County were food insecure (10.7% of the population).
With increase unemployment and rising poverty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 53,670 people are now food insecure (14.6% of the population).
1. Select the Local Jurisdiction in the right-hand corner
2. Spot the affordable housing available in each ward
This tool demonstrates how challenging it is for families to find affordable housing in Washtenaw County.

This graph from the WACY 2020 Report Card highlights the need to support students who are Economically Disadvanged (ED); as we can see that while rates have improved since 2015-16, there is still much to be done to bring them up to the same level as their Non-ED peers.